Monday, May 6, 2013

My rendition of Narcissus and Echo from Ovid's Metamorphoses

The ripe poetic youth languishes fair,
pondering the heartbreaking trials that dawn.
Little though Narcissus does realize now,
 his troubles and he are not alone, for
apart from his quite graceful attire,
a tweedish suit of flattered fit, like Dorian’s,
he shines with radiance near girlish,
but of male purity and beauty.
            Enveloped in his musings, Echo creeps
while watching hungrily and shyly from
her perch behind a bench near where he sits.
Well payed for her nature of meddling,
in summer of the sixth month of the year,
once an admirer of Narcissus-birthed poetry
 changed into a mockingbird she was, that
so as she mocked and meddled with her voice
when human, she could fittingly continue
as one who can do nothing else but
repeat her snatches of last-spoken words.
In fact, so meddling was she, before her
change, she would even hinder Narcissus
from going on about his work. Never
cool or collected in his company,
stammering, grasping for any bit of
something to speak, she would use what she heard
as what to say, utterly wasting the
small time the poet had. Persistence though
she had, soon June appeared to do her work.
In the midst of that hot month, Narcissus
went on his way towards the recitation.
Fixed on his way, all but oblivious
to all else, having waited for today
for years, it being the first public showing of
his work, Echo appeared. Flurrying his
ears with useless chatter, she spoke so fast
as to render time stopped, except the great
rapidity of her words.
                                    At long last,
to render time back to its normal flow,
June stepped right in to end the monologue.
At once, she changed her protégé’s stalker
into the bird who never uniquely sings,
but still guiles away the hours of
her listeners’ lives without any care.
            A very great part of the time, Echo
would have flown out into his arms, burning
with fiery a passion like that of pitch
indeed quite burning hot for his beauty.
Forgetting her new airy form, and not
expecting any other than a welcoming
response, she was shocked to behold his fright
at her flight to embrace Narcissus. He,
after he calls out to the open air
his verses, is surprised, descrying  a
strange, quaint, but little fowl in the yonder tree
indeed repeating every verse, albeit
in a distorted, but recognizable
            Peering about the clearing, he
espies the tiny Echo suddenly
deserting quickly her branch, to come and
embrace him, her love no longer controlled.
Bewildered by the strange turn of events,
Narcissus calls out, “Who are you, that you
indeed come right off of your perch to me?”
To which Echo replies, “To me? To me?”
while still in flight, so Narcissus’ confusion
is not averted.  Echo continues
to come towards him and arrives that moment.
            Embracing him, with feathery wings there
around his neck, Echo surprises him.
He flees, and fleeing, cries, “Hands off! No hugs!
I’ll die before you’ll have your way with me![1]
A bird, no less, is never one for me,
much less a bird who wants to idolize
Narcissus! No! ‘Twill never happen here!”
Rejected, and certainly shunned, Echo
flies into her mass of trees to hide.
wasting away for lack of Narcissus,
she stayed immortally present, ready
invariably to recite anything
in song or verse to Narcissus. Never
losing hope, Echo flies about searching
for the perfect response, she fears will only
come from Narcissus himself. Her love has
endured, even as she wastes away, her voice
as shrill as the sirens; nevertheless
her small voice never will be stilled again.

[1] The lines that start with “He flees, and fleeing cries,” and ends with “your way with me” are taken verbatim from lines 503-504 of Book III of Ovid’s Metamorphoses.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Kelsey Scarbrdugh's Birthday!

Today is my dear friend Kelsey Scarbrough's 17th Birthday. And I just wanted to dedicate a post to that. Cause it's a special time.

Mainly just a couple of things, as time allows before I have to get off that makes me happy for whatever reason because it reminds me of her. Or was done with her. And there are billions of more of these. Just a couple here. God bless you, Kelsey. Thanks for all of this so far. And you really will be the best 17 as you were the best at 14, 15, and 16.

Red hi-tops. PSH. I see what you did there. Mad hatter. Peanut butter. Toffee. Caramel. Heath bar. Snapple apple. Refereeing middle school games. That one spot on the mccCracken fields. Soccer. Wednesdays. Tuesdays. Coop. GEOGRAPHY. Maldives. All the prizes. Aar. kels. Kelsron. Minnesota. Froyo. $5. Munny. Calvin and Hobbes. Blue ties. Suit and Tie. Switzerland. Ciao Bella. Mulan. Footloose. Prom. Winter Formal. Halle. Fistbumps. Sherlock. The wall at Church. My wall. Email. chat. Blogs. Polyvore. Tumblr. Grey. Green. Swimming. Mark Drive. Hwy 118. The rest of the address I memorized. 17. 16. Coruse. Midnight showings.Hunger games. Cowlicks. Cray. Owl city. Fiction Family. Bison. 731514 and the rest of it that I know. Peeling potatoes. Carrots. Cheese. The fountain downtown. Downtown. Michaels. Pizza. That booth. Shady. Victoria. Matt. Bew. Mia. Harvee. (yes all of those people make me happy cause they remind me of her cause they're her friends too. But it's not like that's the only reason. Just one.) Tea. Tea socialism. Sort of not really. notebooks. Drawing. Bracelets. big girl cups. Pinched. Peeenched. Driving. 94.7. Queen. head east. Kansas. TDCC. Boston. Journey. feeling treasured.<<for obvious reasons. Hadn't really happened without her. So I hope that that never actually ever is associated with anyone else. Praying. Caring. Beauty. Godliness. Always trying. Headaches. Stomach aches. <<though I'd choose other things instead, if I could. Growing up. College. Presh. Whaler's Catch. Disappointment. Climbing out of it. Next time. Hope. Good things. Sitting next to me. Excitement. Indian style. Webs of inter. Interwebs. Internet. Psych. Terra Nova. Pop. Understanding. Speedy. Cameron's wedding. <(literally the entire time.) Taking the computer with me places. Being there at whatever time that works. At all. SERIOUSLY WOMAN. Taco bell. Mountain dew the non-usual kind. Cinnamon peppermints. pencils. 91812 and the rest of it I know. 17. 16. 15. 14. 20. 22. 2. 7. 33. Winner winner chicken dinner. Ginger. Dirt. I did what you see there. MST. I'mjustsotiredthatI'mnotevengoingtousespaces. Trying my hardest to impress K. Realizing she was doing the same. Mutual. worried it was just me. She was too. Both of us. Height. Lack thereof. Difference in height thereof. fitting together. March 22. February 26. July 6. picnics. Murals. Acting. Plays. Hobbit. Cold. Colder. Coats. SWEATERS. sheep. stripes. Go home. out of shape. Flo rida. Rap. Kelly. Michelle. Beyonce. Fleming and John. Comfortable. the Way We Are. Fare thee well. Catch you later. When you come back down. Sweet dreams. Sleep well. adoro. I adore. Goodnight. Goodbye.

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy...And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Middlemarch quote

I found this quote. And I completely loved it. It's kind of a good thing to remember, knowing that not ever sorrow one has should necessarily be inflicted on other people, ruining such empathetic and compassionate people's times that they would otherwise spend happy. Especially when there's nothing to do about it. There's always a place for comforting and burden-relieving, but there's also a point at which it's incredibly selfish to do so. Even if it's just waiting til a better time. I struggle with it. And I thought George Eliot put it very well.

"We mortals, men and women, devour many a disappointment between breakfast and dinner-time; keep back the tears and look a little pale about the lips, and in answer to inquiries say, "Oh, nothing!" Pride helps; and pride is not a bad thing when it only urges us to hide our hurts -- not to hurt others."

Creative Writing Assignement. Woo.

I still don't know what grade I got on this. But hopefully it was a good one. I just enjoyed writing it. And a major thank you to my dear friend Kelsey for helping me a lot by editing. And Jeremiah's input was spectacular as well.

The disastrous Battle of Cannae has recently been concluded, the Carthaginians victorious, leaving the Romans soldiers either dead, wounded, or awaiting imminent doom in their camps. One such roman infantryman sits in his camp weighed down by fears as he writes.
            All at once I awoke from an uneasy sleep. For a moment, I had lapsed into a separate world, one in which there was no Rome. Despite the lack of my homeland, I found myself in a strangely hopeful scene. Though in an unknown land with unfamiliar surroundings and people, everywhere I looked I found things that reminded me of home. “Where am I?” was the question on my lips as I turned to all those about me, but no one answered, if I had even made a sound at all. I might never know, but it gave me inexplicable hope. If Rome was still present in memory could it ever fade?
            But how could Rome live? I am one of the few soldiers, last ones left defending the camp from the Carthaginians at the end of this battle, and in the midst of the terrible night of clashes and watching, anticipating the ultimate crushing blow coming in the morning. With the foolhardy consuls and tribunes fallen by their own folly in the fray, all the useless maps and letters and ink and pens of theirs in their now doomed tents are left for dead, like all the rest of Italy. I thought to use whatever paper, ink, and time I could find to chronicle these final moments of Roman life so that we would not be dropped from all memory. There is no hope to be seen. Ye gods! Would that I had perished suddenly from a stray arrow or dart in the midst of the battle! Any fate would better than this, waiting in the dank darkness, wondering if I take the right course. My shaking hands start at every sound, goring holes in my paper with my pen, ink gushing, as assuredly my body will be written upon with an African pen in blood. These thoughts come. Death seems to leer from every shadow. Even the light seems like a betrayal of the gods. Who asked for this? 
            Now there is a commotion. Everyone is moving, startled from their various positions of exhaustion and dread. I am hearing the name, “Sempronius! Sempronius!” shouted in varying tones of anger, relief, and even hate. I now realize who they mean. It is the military tribune, Publius Sempronius Tuditanus, a weathered man like an oak, well known as one who holds the most stoic devotion to Rome of all our officers. We believe him to value Rome itself as the most worthy of all things, even willing to kill all its citizens and destroy the land if only for the sake of the city’s walls. He was one never to marry, or make merry that anyone has seen. Many times we have wished that he would throw himself into the river’s depths or into the enemy’s hands as a newly thought action of zeal and maladjusted nationalism, but as of yet, he has only ever survived and prevailed. Those who do not associate with him, but only know of him, hold him in high esteem. As I ask my fellow in the crowd, he tells me that Sempronius has somehow convinced a band of some new troops to make an attack to force their way out of the ring of the enemy and run. I notice they are mainly comprised of the sentries and watchmen who guarded the camp while the battle commenced. They are fresh, young troops, pliable with fear and hope. Cowards, I call them. They never saw the hordes of hungry usurpers, thirsting for blood, with contempt and hatred for us oozing from every pore. Is true cowardice knowing true hopelessness and resolving oneself to it anyway, or is it in fact acting on naivety and fear without the true knowledge of the situation? It is better to stay and stand, to receive the spears in our front, with sword in hand, knowing what we face and the true use of our lives than to be unsure, looking for a way to bury our heads in the sand. Even quaking knees are better than wasted ones. But could they escape? Is it possible? Is Rome’s honor or my life worth more? Running would give me a chance of life, if my legs could support my drooping spirit.
            No. My resolve is restored. The men of our group who survived the battle are unanimously surging, as such worn bodies can, towards Sempronius’ group in a fury. Against the self righteousness and bright stupid optimism of the young troops, and the stoicism of the veterans, there are no bounds to which even friends can turn upon friends. It appears that the main group of those in the camp are forming a front to forcibly restrain the runners from leaving. I must stand with my brothers. We are staying to fight to the end. They have no right to desert us for a so-called better hope, but if they must, I say to let them act as they will. We are better off without such deserters and there is no call to turn against our own in this time. To see those I fought with today, understanding the cost and odds of our plight, staying strong in our course gives me heart. Rome is here, in the hearts of those who die defending it. Perhaps that is how we who are left can live through the night, knowing Rome lived strong until its final breath. Every country must die. Not all can die as well as they lived.

The End.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Badmouthing my wife.

Not that I have one. But I thought it was a great article. And it could and should really be applied to every female friend, girlfriend, or family member I or anyone else has. Though of course the bit about choosing doesn't even apply to family. There is a bit of bad language twice in it. At your discretion.