hey, thought I'd talk about interesting things having to do with a free market.
Karl Marx's main ideas all about economics seem to have one end in mind. Perfect equality in every way, but with everyone prospering. So basically in capitalism you have everyone looking out for themselves, but with the government, state or federal, having some restrictions. For example you have the FDA screening all food and drug products before they hit the market. So in a way, you could even think about Marx's ideas as the culmination of Capitalism. It's interesting, because most people think of capitalism as the opposite, but it's not. It is a much milder, and hopefully controllably so, form of socialism. The real opposite is the free market.
Basically the Free market is a situation where everyone looks out for themselves and sells, produces, buys, and screens for themselves, enlivening the phrase, "Caveat Emptor." In a perfect world this would be great, and the perfection of government, anarchy in the economic arena. But, as in all else, people are bad, so it won't work. Hence the big elaborate system of checks and balances, laws, lobbyists, regulations, and agencies we have today, keeping the system of capitalism together and in check.