Friday, April 15, 2011

hmmm, refereeing...

Well...refereeing can get dicey. Tuesday I had to ref one game that involved nearly ejecting a coach, as well as two yellow cards....Not to mention the fact that even though I'm only old enough to be in 9th grade, I had to split center ref the game. Split centering is when you just have two refs, instead of three, and each of the two refs act as center refs in their half of the's very annoying cause you can't call offside or anything...Oh, and did I mention that the other ref I worked with was a first year? In fact, the game was his very first time center refing...
So yeah, the coach was yelling and mouthing off at me for some so called "foul" that I missed, and I had to go and tell her to calm down and stop yelling at me or the other ref, or she'd be ejected...she did quiet down after that!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

First post!

hello! Just wanted to make this blog..and fill it with stuff that I like, whether it be pictures, videos, or ideas...hope you like it, but i can't say for sure how much i'll post.